構造観察装置 / Structure obsercation instruments

Pseudo-parallel beam high-resolution X-ray CT system

回転電極による大光量X線による高いS/N比と疑似平行ビームX線光学系による高精度X線線CT撮像が可能なX線CTシステムです.燃料電池のIn-situX線液水分布透過撮像も可能です.High S/N ratio can be ascheved with high intensity X-rays from a rotating electrode and high precision x-rays in this X-ray CT system. In-situ X-ray liquid moisture imaging of a fuel cell is also available.

Microfocus hard X-ray CT system

最大225kVの加速電子をタングステンターゲットに衝突させることで高エネルギーX線を生成可能なX線装置です.高い透過力を用いて電池の正極層などの重量物の中までX線CT撮像することができます.In this X-ray CT system, accelerated electrons of up to 225 kV are collided with the tungsten target to produce high energy X-rays The high penetration power of the X-ray CT system enables us to image the inside of heavy objects such as the cathode layer of a battery.

Ultra Small Angle X-ray Scattering (USAXS) measureament system

銅線源により発生させたX線を分光器を通して単色平行X線をサンプルに照射します.そのサンプルをX線が透過する過程で,サンプルのナノスケール構造に対応したX線散乱光が非常に小さい角度(0.005°〜0.5°)で放射しますので,それをさらに分光器を用いて選択取得し,X線検出器で強度を取得します.それを解析することで,X線CTでは計測が困難なナノスケール構造を計測します.X-rays generated by a copper source are passed through a monochromator to irradiate a sample with monochromatic parallel X-rays. In the process of X-ray transmission through the sample, X-ray scattered light corresponding to the nanoscale structure of the sample is emitted at a very small angle (0.005° to 0.5°), which is further selected and acquired using a spectrometer, and the intensity is acquired using an X-ray detector. By analyzing the results, we can measure nanoscale structures that are difficult to measure with X-ray CT.

Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS,XRD) measureament system

X-rays generated by a copper source are irradiated onto a sample, and the angle distribution of the X-ray scattered from the sample over a wide angle range of 10° to 145° is measured to determine the composition and crystalline state of the sample. 1D detectors can be used for high-speed measurement. By using a sealed jig, it is possible to measure samples that cannot be exposed to the atmosphere, such as sulfide solid electrolytes.


走査型電子顕微鏡 Scanning electron microscope

電子線をサンプルに当て,そこから放出される反射ならびに2次電子を用いて顕微観察する装置です.EDX分析装置も内蔵しているので元素マッピングも可能です。Microscopic observation using reflections and secondary electrons emitted from a sample irradiated by an electron beam.

デジタルマイクロスコープ/Digital micro scope

4Kの高精細観察が可能なデジタル光学顕微鏡です。電動レボルバーや電動フォーカスを備えています。フォーカス掃引による3次元構造計測も可能です。Digital optical microscope capable of 4K high-definition observation. It is equipped with a motorized revolver and motorized focus. 3D structure measurement by focus sweep is also available.

マイクロビッカース硬さ試験機 Micro Vicker's hardness tester

ダイヤモンド製の圧子をサンプルに所定の加重で押しつけて,できる圧痕の大きさと亀裂の長さから硬さと靱性を計測する装置です.各種材料の機械的強度の計測に使用します.A diamond indenter is pressed onto a sample with a specified load to measure hardness and toughness based on the size of the indentation and the length of the crack. It is used to measure the mechanical strength of various materials.

材料加工・製造装置 / Material processing and manufacturing equipment

マイクロNCフライス Micro NC Milling Machine

マイクロスケールでコンピュータ制御による部材表面加工が可能です.Computer-controlled micro-scale machining of material surfaces is possible with this machene.

ボールミル Ball mill

粉体材料とジルコニアボールを入れた容器を高速で振動・回転させる装置です.高エネルギー振動ミルと遊星ボールミルを保有しています.容器内で粉体材料が粉砕・混合させることで機械的に化学反応をおこします.This is a device that vibrates and rotates a vessel containing powder materials and zirconia balls at high speed. We have a high energy vibration type and a planetary type. A chemical reaction is caused mechanically by the crushing and mixing of powder materials in a container.

自動塗工装置 Auto coater

一定速度でスラリーを薄く塗工することができます.電池電極や触媒層の作成に使用します.グローブボックス内に設置しているので,大気非暴露で塗工が可能です.Thin coating of slurry can be done at a constant speed. It is used to create battery electrodes and catalyst layers. The machine is installed in a glove box so that coating can be performed without exposure to the atmosphere.

Thin-film rotating method agitator

容器内で回転子を高速回転させることで攪拌する装置です.燃料電池触媒層インクの調整に使用します.It is a device that agitates by rotating a rotor in a vessel at high speed. This is used to adjust the fuel cell catalyst layer ink.

Cryo ion milling

アルゴンガスのイオンビームをサンプルに照射し,電子顕微鏡で観察する断面を形成します.液体窒素で冷却することでイオンビームによるダメージを軽減可能です.An ion beam of argon gas is irradiated onto the sample to form a cross-section to be observed with an electron microscope. The damage caused by the ion beam can be reduced by cooling with liquid nitrogen.

Hot press equipment

加熱しながら高面圧でサンプルを圧縮する装置です.燃料電池触媒層の転写や全固体電池のホットプレス等が可能です.This device compresses a sample under high surface pressure with heating. It is possible to transfer the catalyst layer of fuel cells and hot press all-solid-state batteries.


ローラーにより材料の加圧と引き延ばしを行う装置です.触媒の作成に使用します.This equipment pressurizes and stretches materials with rollers. It is used to make a catalyst.

高温電気炉 / High temperature electric furnace

材料を高温焼成するための電気炉です.酸化物系固体電解質の合成に使用します.Electric furnance for high tempearture sintering of oxide solid electrolyte.

スパッタ装置/ Sputtering equipment

This device forms a thin gold film on the surface of a sample using a high DC voltage. It is used for pretreatment for electron microscope observation and interface decoration of batteries.

真空加熱炉 / Vaccum furnace

試薬や器具を真空条件下で加熱する装置です.大型の炉ですのでいろいろな器具・装置を入れることができます.This system heats materials and instruments under vacuum conditions. The furnace is large enough to accommodate a variety of equipment.

ロータリーエバポレーター / Rotary evaporator

溶液を回転するフラスコ内で加熱・減圧環境下で蒸発させ,高速で濃縮する装置です.触媒の作成に使用します.The solution is evaporated in a rotating flask under a heated and decompressed environment and concentrated at high speed. It is used to make a catalyst.


電気化学評価装置 / Electro chemical evaluation systems

FC evaluation system

燃料電池に供給するガスの種類・量・水分量を制御しながら発電量をコントロールする装置です.This system controls the amount of power generation by controlling the type and amount of gas and water supplied to the fuel cell.

ポテンショガルバノスタット Potentio-galvanostat

蓄電池や水電解セルに接続させ定電流印加・定電圧印可の他,交流インピーダンス法により抵抗成分分離を行う装置です.EIS measurement and DC/AC power supply to resemble battery and water electrolysis system

Charge and discharge system+Temperature chambe

The charge/discharge tester charges and discharges rechargeable batteries such as lithium-ion batteries at any desired speed and mode. It can charge and discharge 16 batteries at the same time. The environmental tester cools and heats rechargeable batteries such as lithium-ion batteries to a minimum temperature of -20°C and a maximum temperature of 150°C. It can be operated in conjunction with the charge/discharge tester and potentiogalvanostat to measure battery performance under various temperature conditions.


Particle size distribution meter

インク等の流体中に分散する粒子の粒径を測定します.レオメーターと併せて分散液の特性検討を行います.It measures the particle size of particles dispersed in a fluid such as ink. Investigate the characteristics of the dispersion in conjunction with a rheometer.


回転円板を用いて液体の粘性を計測する装置です.円板の回転を制御することにより,非ニュートン流体を含めて各種粘性を計測することができます.This is a device to measure the viscosity of a liquid using a rotating disc. By controlling the rotation of the disc, various kinds of viscosities including non-Newtonian fluids can be measured.


回転円板を用いて液体の粘性を計測する装置です.温調条件下で非ニュートン流体を含めて各種粘性を計測することができます.This device measures the viscosity of liquids using a rotating disc. Various types of viscosity can be measured under temperature-controlled conditions, including non-Newtonian fluids.

IR Camera

This device measures the temperature distribution on the surface of an object by means of infrared photography.

Gas chromatometer

ガスを装置内で電離させることでガスの組成を計測する装置です.This system measures the composition of a gas by ionizing the gas in the system.

Nitrogen adsorption system

サンプルの封入された管を液体窒素温度まで冷却した状態で真空状態から徐々に窒素を導入させ,表面に窒素分子を吸着させます.そのときの吸着量と吸着圧力から級脱着等温線を取得し,それを解析することで比表面積ならびに細孔分布を計測します.The tube in which the sample was sealed was cooled to liquid nitrogen temperature, and nitrogen was gradually introduced from the vacuum state. It adsorbs nitrogen molecules on the surface. The specific surface area is calculated by obtaining classifying and desorption isotherms from the adsorption volume and pressure, and analyzing them. and pore size distribution.


Glove box

アルゴンガスもしくは窒素ガスが充填された装置内でサンプルのハンドリグを行います.内部の水蒸気濃度や酸素濃度を十分に低くすることで固体電解質やリチウム金属等の反応性の高いサンプルを取り扱うことができます.Battery samples is handled in this sytem filled with argon or nitrogen gas. It is possible to handle samples such as sulfied solid electrolyte and lithium metal, which are sensitive to moisture or gases.

Draft chamber

有機溶媒等の試薬を使用する際に発生するガスを吸引・処理します.This system absorbs and treats the generated gases from organic solvents.



3d Printer

3D printer is used for making jigs for experiments.


CPUでは最大64並列の,GPUでは最大5120並列可能なワークステーションです.流体計算,電磁気計算,電気化学計算等の大規模解析や、機械学習による分析が可能です.It is a workstation with up to 64 parallel CPUs and 5120 GPUs. Large-scale analyses such as fluid dynamics, electromagnetism and electrochemical calculations can be conducted.